St. Clare and the spiritual meaning of virginity
My spirituality class ended last Friday, but there's more to say! I'll keep posting some of the "lessons" I learned in teaching this class for a while. At least, until I'm finished with them. image from We had a fascinating conversation one day about the image of virginity in the Catholic tradition. It came up because we read one of St. Clare of Assisi's letters to Agnes of Prague. Clare writes a number of letters to this noblewoman ("daughter of the most excellent and illustrious king of Bohemia"), and this one was written in 1234. She uses quotations and ideas from the Office of the Feast of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr. "For, though You (Agnes), more than others, could have enjoyed the magnificence, honor, and dignity of the world and could have been married to the illustrious Emperor with splendor befitting You and His Excellency, You have rejected all these things and chosen with Your whole heart and so...