We just had a lovely evening of community -- all 7 of us together for prayer, then a leisurely dinner, and then games! We celebrated a birthday, and it was so lovely to spend time together without having to rush off to other responsibilities. I'm very grateful for this time in community. I loved living alone, but it's wonderful to come home to people , generous people who care about how my day was and what's on my mind. And I care about them, too! On another note, one of my students asked me today, out of the blue, "So, can you ever leave the convent and get married?" I could help laughing (it was really random), but then it sparked a brief discussion about what this life is about, and what this commitment means. I think it's easiest to compare to a marriage: I am committed to it, but sometimes people do walk away. (As one of my friends responded, it's not like the pope has a gun to my back demanding that I stay!) And then I also was able to...