En mi salsa

This is the beginning of my second week in Almeria--which means that I'm doing things for the second time around rather than the first! It strikes me that there's a lot of anxiety in experiencing the new, at least when absolutely everything is new. The second week is therefore much easier! Though maybe I should wait until Friday to say that for sure. My schedule is still in process, but certain things are certain. Until the end of January, I will teach Spanish classes (basic vocabulary) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm. We're working on the rooms of a house and the types of furniture in each room. Spanish seems to have a richer vocabulary than English. I keep finding things that have multiple words in Spanish and only one in English.. For example, a "sink" can mean basically any basin with running water. In Spanish, there's a word for the sink in the bathroom (lavabo) that's different from the one in the kitchen (fregadero), which is ...