Official Opening of the Noviceship Year

Yesterday, on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we celebrated the opening of my year of being a novice!  All of the Religious of the Sacred Heart who live in this area, along with some from out of town, joined us for Mass, followed by supper.  Our provincial, Paula, gave a reflection and presented me with a pin carrying the symbol of the Society.

It might seem strange to celebrate such a happy occasion on the feast dedicated to sorrow.  But the Society's dedication to "being the heart of God in the world" forces us to see, feel, experience the sorrows of all people in our world, and even of our world itself.  Just as the Mother of Jesus felt his pain and experienced sorrow out of her love for him, so we are called to feel the pain of those around us, of those we love.  Right now, for me, it's a call to awareness of what is happening in our world and how I might help those who are suffering.

The celebration last night was accompanied by an outpouring of love for me from my religious sisters across the country.  I cannot begin to express how humbled and grateful I am for this powerful love and support!  I am being held up by the prayers of many, and by the generous grace of God.  Thank you all, and know of my love and prayer for each of you!

This little post is hardly sufficient.  Words cannot express the warmth that is in my heart.


Carmen Hotvedt said…
WOW! Congrats to you on this journey. I take it this means your discernment year went well? :)
I guess you could say that, Carmen! Thanks for your note. Hope you are well!
Helen said…
Dear Juliet,
I wanted to write to welcome you to your new home and to tell you how much I am praying for you. I am so glad you are keeping your blog as I am sure it will help all of us to follow your journey into His Heart. I hope you are praying over the conference Kathy gave in Rome for the opening of the Probation.
Love and prayer, Helen (Miami)
Helen! It's so good to see you here. I hope all is well with you. I will have to look for Kathy's conference (I tend to not keep up on those things, so thanks for reminding me). I'll do my best to keep up the blog!

Much love,

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