These last weeks...

Oh, it has been far too long since I've updated this space! I can't begin to include everything that's happened since the last time. So, a few glimpses at life here.....

1. Food. I survived cooking for a week! Actually, I was given a two-day reprieve, so it was five days in a row. My community were treated to tacos (none had heard of them), chili, and tuna casserole, among other things. I am happy to report that it was all well-received. (More or less... I only messed up one thing!) And no one went hungry.

Also, I had an occasion for churros y chocolate. Mmmmmmmmm........

2. We visited another community to have a conversation around the future of life in the Society of the Sacred Heart, following the Dreamcatchers process given to us by the congregation. It was in a sweet little town called Priego de Cordoba, which is in the middle of fields of olive trees. One of these days I'll compile a collection of all the weeping Madonnas and bleeding crucifixions we say there... it was quite a sight.  In the meantime, some of the views are here.

3. In Priego, our sisters have a large house with a ton of outreach. They have mass on Saturday evenings for the neighborhood, have a clothing "store" with tons of lovely things for those who need them, a day care, workshops in art and cooking, Spanish classes, prayer groups, etc. There are only three sisters living there, but they have a large group of collaborators who participate in and lead many of the works that go on in the house. It's impressive.

4. Fiesta de Andalucia!  The 28th of February is a regional day of fiesta here. We celebrated by going to the Cabo de Gata--gorgeous--and a tiny seaside town called Agua Amarga.  Any day I can see the ocean is a good day. <3 p="">

5. Finally, every month I get a day or two to spend in Granada, where I can catch up with myself and talk with my spiritual director. The bus takes 3 1/2 hours, and half of that trip is along the Mediterranean coast--once again beside this source of beauty and life.

And, one day, this appeared...and how could I resist?

Keeping you all in prayer!


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