Receiving Love

Do you ever have those days when you think God is trying to send you a message?  When ideas keep returning to you, from all different sources? 

My "message" this week is something that I mentioned in the last post--being open to receive the love that is offered to us.  I've been pondering this, and then it returned in the meditation I read yesterday, with a slight twist.  The meditation says this:

"Scripture is very clear that God knows everything about you.  Do you believe it? That can be a scary thought, because we all have 'stuff' lurking in the shadowy corners of our hearts.  But God loves you unconditionally, regardless of what you have done or failed to do.  God loves you in spite of your judgments and biases.  God loves you through your weaknesses and infirmities."

So the variation is that the love spoken of here is God's love, not human love, but the idea is the same--being open to receiving the love offered, having an open heart.

It seems so hard sometimes, and so important.  I do have stuff "lurking" in the shadows, just like everyone else.  I know God is with me in that stuff too (maybe even most especially in that stuff), but sometimes I feel unworthy of the incredible blessings that God gives. I know that's not true, but I don't always feel it.

I am reminded, too, of St. Paul, who recognized his failings, and "boasts" of his weakness, for God tells him:  "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor 12.9)

When I do allow myself to feel the love of God, and the love of those around me, I am so humbled by it, so grateful... and I know that by allowing myself to receive it, I am better able to give love as well.

May God grace our weaknesses with strength and power.


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