Images of Philippine

Two images to close out the days celebrating the feast of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne.

This first window is from a church in St. Paul, Minnesota, clearly from before Philippine's canonization in 1988.  I don't fully understand all the symbolism, but you can see St. Charles in the upper left, and the Native Americans in the lower left.

And, finally, I love this image, in part because it ties in major pieces of my life.  I had just graduated from Saint Louis University when I began my journey into the Society of the Sacred Heart and started learning about Philippine.  In many ways, she was someone I could relate to, and her story touched me deeply.  This image is in the old library room of Saint Louis University (now called Pere Marquette Gallery, but still part of the campus). In that room, they have four depictions of more contemporary saints (small "s") -- Gerard Manley Hopkins, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Philippine.

Once again, the child is a Native American.  Here we also see the two rivers, the Missouri and the Mississippi, which meet in this area and together play a major part in the transportation and livelihood of this part of the country.


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