Religious life reflection

Hello after a lovely Thanksgiving holiday!  I hope each of you has had a week full of blessings and delicious food.

In the midst of the festivities, the Giving Voice November newsletter was published with a reflection by me.  It's a variation of the homily I gave a few weeks ago (and posted here), on vulnerability.  Only, in this one, I focused more on the role of vulnerability in religious life these days.  Giving Voice's full version of the reflection is posted on their website, here.  If you're not familiar with Giving Voice, it's a way for women religious of the younger generations to connect with one another and find support and friendship across the boundaries of our separate congregations.  It's a wonderful community for me, and I am grateful to be part of it.  If that interests you, explore their website!  And then, sign up for an event!  The women in their 20s and 30s meet every year over Martin Luther King weekend for a retreat, and the wider group of women meets every other year for a conference.  Information on both of those events is on the GV website,

The reflection was also picked up by a blog on religious life being put together by Amy, a CSJ.  It's called Mystics and Prophets: Reflections on Emerging Religious Life in Today's Church.  She's been running a series of posts on the beguines, which is an interesting movement.  So, check it out here


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