VOTE! Your privilege and responsibility

Do you remember how exciting it was in 2005 when Iraqis voted in their first open election in over 50 years?

This election season has not been an exciting one, really.  It has been divisive, expensive, and depressing.  

Yet, it is our responsibility to vote.  We need to play a part in the democratic process, because while it is a right, it also carries responsibility, as all rights do.

So, pray, listen to your conscience about the issues, and cast your vote.

Yesterday's first reading can help guide your conscience: 

Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory;
rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves,
each looking out not for his own interests,
but also everyone for those of others. (Phil. 2:4)

That's right.  Paul is telling us to look after the common good, to seek the best for all of us together in this world. 

So, vote today.

And then, when the election is all over, pray some more, that our country can find a way to seek the common good, working together despite our differences.  Pray for our leaders, both those newly elected and those who remain in office.  Pray for the ones who lost the election.  Pray that the Spirit guide each one of us every day to do the right thing and to look out for one another.


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